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We have organized our pages to help you find what you are looking for. And don't hesitate to contact us through the "Contact Us" button at the top and bottom of this page.


  • Live It Up, Write It Down: Writing for Kindergarten through 2nd Grade

  • WRITE ON The Kid Friendly, Mother Pleasing Gentle Way to Learn to Write 3rd - 8th Grade

  • Ten tips for TEACHING WRITING

  • The WRITING RUBRICS Main Page - How to use a writing rubric

  • Ideas on developing BOOK REPORTS.

  • Our previous homeschool Writing Contests

  • Grammar

  • GRAMMAR Main Page

  • Spelling

  • SPELLING Syllable Savvy Spelling Curriculum

  • Literature Unit Studies

  • Literature Based Unit Studies - Make your study of great books even more fun
  • Additional Science Project Ideas

    Science Lapbooks

  • Science Lapbooks - Turn your MatchCards into a fun, colorful lapbook. It's fun and easy and creates a keep sake they will continue to learn from.
  • Science Worksheets

  • Science Worksheets
  • These are the download pages for the individual MatchCards listed above.



  • BIBLE study lessons Main Page

  • Art

  • ART Main Page

  • Geography

  • GEOGRAPHY RESOURCES and games and activities.
  • Homeschooling Helps


  • Dealing With BULLYING

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