Call It Courage Unit Study
The Call It Courage Unit Study journeys into the unknown where fear itself must be conquered. Based on the novel by Armstrong Sperry.

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Before You Start
Pre-Reading Activity
Our pre-reading activities include identifying the South Pacific and Oceania, considering their oral legends, and identifying the setting of the story.
- Map of South Seas
- Polynesia
- Hikueru
- History and Legend of the natives
Reading Comprehension Questions
We provide students with multiple-choice reading comprehension questions.
The stem of the question can be used as broad-discussion question or it can be a reading-quiz to validate student comprehension of the plot.
Questions are based on
chapter activities. We further break up the chapter by sections - indicated by breaks within the chapters.
Literary Elements
Examples of the following literary elements are examined in context of the writing:
- Themes
- Foreshadowing and Flashback
- Descriptive Writing
- Simile and Metaphors
- Anthropomorphism
- Personifcation
- Repetition and Motiff
- Mood
- Onomatopoeia
- Adjectives and Root Words
Call It Courage Maps
Maps include:
- South Seas and Oceania
- Equator, Latitude, and Longitude
- Tuamotu Archipelago
- Hikueru
- Mafatu's Island
Geology and Geography
In addition to the maps locating Hikueru and other Polynesia, islands, we also have have two other geography helps.
diagram of Mafatu's island provides the geography features including the break in the coral reefs that allowed Mafatu to escape.
We also have pictures showing the development of an atoll.

Hands-On Activities
Additional activities include handling basalt rock, tamanu wood and/or oil, bamboo materials. Students can also investigate the Southern Cross, snack on tropial fruit, and try foods in a fish-based-diet.

Our Call It Courage vocabulary word lists provide definitions for unfamiliar words in the order they appear in the text. Our popular bookmarks are folded in thirds and make great bookmarks as well as vocabulary aids.
Get the Call It Courage Unit Study

Student Guide AND Teacher's Answer Key Included
$2.99 Download - 60 pages
Call It Courage
Our pages for Armstrong Sperry's classic.
Our Unit Study
Download the 60 page Unit Study
Vocabulary Book Marks
Call It Courage Maps
Mafatu's Island
Diagram of the Fictitious Island
Highlights of each chapter