Rifles for Watie Unit Study
Use our Rifles for Watie Unit Study to ignite the enthusiasm for your 6th - 9th grade students. This Civil War Unit Study based on the Newery book by Harold Keith contains reading comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and supplemental activities
Buy the Rifles for Watie Unit Study Guide

Student Guide AND Teacher's Answer Key Included
$2.99 Download - 58 pages

Includes student pages, answer key, chapter by chapter activities, vocabulary bookmarks, action plot guide, and suggested projects.
What is in The Unit Study Guide?
Chapter by Chapter Activities
You will find questions about major events, characters,and literary elements for each of the 25 chapters. More than simple reading comprehension questions, these help students focus on how significant events in each chapter are connected to the big picture.
Supplemental Activities
Our hands-on suggestions appear in relevent chapters. Some of the activities include:
- Making hard tack
- Learning military ranks
- Civil War songs and marches
- Bugle Calls
- State Maps and Shapes
Literary Elements
Instead of giving students a list of literary elements, we show them how specific elements are used to make the story intriguing. The literary elements they will encounter in this unit include:
- Protagonist & Characters
- Conflict
- Mood vs Tone
- Flashback
- Foreshadow
- Onomatopoeia
- Irony and Sarcasm
- Allusion
- Juxtaposition
- Simile & Metaphor
- Dialect
- Paradox
- Character Development
Vocabulary Bookmarks

Our popular vocabulary bookmark allows students to find the meaning of words in the order they appear in the text. Since the vocabulary words are provided as foldable bookmarkers, the terminology is available to them as soon as they read the passage.
Action Plot
The Action Plot Diagram is an activity students engage in throughout the study of this book. With each chapter, the student records the one or two major events of the chapter. At the end, they draw the action line showing the rising line, climax, falling action, and denouement.
How does this help the reader?
We are all familiar with the main parts of the action plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, denouement.) The student not only applies that plot to this story line, but also analyzes how the events of the chapter create and carry the story line.
Background Historical Information
There are several sections providing the readers with valuable background historical information.
The first chapter's activities include a section on Free Staters and the history of the Missouri Compromise and the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This isn't just info from history, but significant forces that impact the main character and his family. And for additional help, this section provides test-taking skills for reading comprehension tests.
Another background information section gives a dictionary of Civil War weapons. This information helps the modern reader understand the plot of
why those rifles that Watie wanted were
so important.
Finally, a short section on Fort Leavenworth introduces students to this historic military base where the main character and his buddies were enlisted.
Writing With Style
We help writers write - with style.
Our unit study looks at the anatomy of model sentences from the book and challenges students to craft their own sentence using a similar technique.
With a painless and fun writing activity, they stretch their own abilities and notice how subtly authors divulge information.
Teacher's Guide Included
Our download includes the teachers copy. It is the same as the students' copy but it also has:
- Answers are in red, bolded, and capitalized. Makes it easier when you are in a hurry.
- Preparation arrows. Alerts you to which chapters have supplemental activities.
You can take a few minutes to be prepared: to listen to a bugle Reveille on the internet, have ingredients to make hard tack, or paper and pencil to sketch a brindle cow. A quick check for the arrows will make sure you don't have to interrupt your teaching to find something.
Get the Complete Rifles for Watie Unit Study

Student Guide AND Teacher's Answer Key Included
$2.99 Download - 58 pages

Includes student pages, answer key, chapter by chapter activities, vocabulary bookmarks, action plot guide, and suggested projects.