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Jul 22, 2024

Popham Colony


Popham Colony lessons teach the history, geography, and significance of the Forgotten Colony on the Sagadahoc River.

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May 30, 2024

Roanoke Eleanor Dare Stone


Students evaluate if the Eleanor Dare stone of Roanoke is authentic. How does it compare to the other stones? Can it lead us to the fate of Lost Colonists?

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May 20, 2024

Digestive System


Students identify the major organs of the digestive system and their function from the diagram. FREE printable lesson from MatchCard Science Human Anatomy Unit Study for grades 3 - 8.

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May 15, 2024

Lost Colony Theories

Investigate the Lost Colony Theories that have been proposed about the fate of the 1587 Roanoke settlers. Which theory is most logical? Has the most evidence?

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May 15, 2024

John Smith Virginia Map Lesson


Student activities to accompany the John Smith Virginia Map lesson. Learn fun facts about this famous map, do a scavenger hunt, and apply those map-reading skills. Answer keys show multiple features of the map that are missed by most people.

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Apr 09, 2024

Density Formula


Teach the density formula with our FREE download of the density worksheet for kids in 3rd to 8th grade. Hands on projects and our chemistry worksheet are used to investigate the concept of density.

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Mar 21, 2024

Lost Colonists Sailed Away Theory


As students investigate theories of the Lost Colony, they debate the liklihood that they may have sailed away to an unknown fate.

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Mar 06, 2024

Definition of Planet


FREE download of our planet worksheet gives students the definition of a planet and activities to evaluate if Pluto is a planet or not.

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Mar 04, 2024

Powhatan and the Lost Colonists


Captain John Smith reported information on Powhatan and the lost colonists of Roanoke as the first supply departed Jamestown in June 1608. Smith's report got King James himself involved.

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Feb 14, 2024

Who Was Kocoum


There is a single historical reference to Kocoum as the husband of Pocahontas. Who was Kocoum and what do we know about him?

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Feb 09, 2024

Did Pocahontas Save John Smith?


Did Pocahontas actually rescue John Smith from certain death? Read the historical records about John Smith and Pocahontas to compare and contrast history and legend.

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Jan 12, 2024

Deciduous vs Nondeciduous Trees


Compare deciduous trees and non-deciduous trees with our free worksheet for kids and list of hands-on activities to learn more about the king of plants.

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Jan 09, 2024

Carbon Cycle


The FREE Carbon Cycle worksheet for kids explains how photosynthesis recycles carbon in nature and the role of plants and animals.

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Nov 16, 2023

Sea Venture Shipwreck Game


Sailors and landsmen race to build their ship and get off the Bermuda Isalnds where they have been shipwrecked for ten months. Based on events of the 1609 wreck.

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Sep 08, 2023

Strachey True Report Sea Venture Modern Translation


A modern translation of William Strachey's 1609 True Report of the Sea Venture is provided along with contemporary maps.

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Jun 07, 2023

Wreck of the Sea Venture


The Sea Venture wrecked off the north east coast of Bermudas in July 1610. Eleven historically significant events are directly caused by the wreck of th Sea Venture.

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Jun 04, 2023

Carbohydrate Worksheet For Kids


Have fun teaching carbohydrates to kids with our FREE carbohydrate worksheet and list of activities. Kids will learn the important function of carbs as well as the glycemic index. Test foods for starch, chew up some fiber, and have teaching.

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Apr 11, 2023

Lion To Guard Us Chapter Summary


Chapter by chapter summary of the events in Clyde Robert Bulla's historical fiction novel:

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Mar 31, 2023

Lion To Guard Us Maps

Lion to Guard Us maps allow students to follow the action in Clyde Robert Bulla's historical fiction novel.

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Mar 27, 2023

Butterfly Metamorphosis


Use the butterfly metamorphosis lesson plan and butterfly life-cycle worksheets to make your students experts on the life-cycle of butterflies and other insects. FREE worksheet from the MatchCard Science Zoology Unit Study and recommended activities.

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Feb 27, 2023

A Lion To Guard Us Unit Study


A Lion To Guard Us unit study with questions, vocabulary, maps and activities to supplement the historical novel of Jamestown by Clyde Robert Bulla.

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Feb 10, 2023

Sea Venture Timeline

Sea Venture Timeline

Key events and dates in the Sea Venture voyage and wreck of 1609 and following.

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Dec 28, 2022

Watercolor Christmas Tree Ornaments


Step by step instructions for easy watercolor Christmas tree ornaments of a quiet nativity scene that even a beginner can paint

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Dec 06, 2022

Biology Tree of Life


The FREE Biology Tree of Life Worksheet for kids lists 5 different kingdoms in the domain of life. The role of domain and kingdom is explored and students are introduced to single celled organisms.

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Nov 14, 2022

Binary Games


Use the four binary games, plus instruction on converting to and from decimals. Lesson plans also include a binary fairytale and multiple activities. FREE worksheet, flash cards, and game pieces

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