Carry On Mr. Bowditch Vocabulary
Chapter 1
- Towhead - person with light-colored hair
- Scuttle - bucket
- Gables - a triangular roofed portion of a building
- Nor-easter - north east wind
Chapter 2
- Stow - put away
- Wharf - a structure from which ships sail and land
Chapter 3
- Bristle - (verb) hair straightens up when someone is angry or irritated
- Gale - high wind
- Ballast - (verb) make heavy with ballast of stone or metal to weigh down
- Apothecary - a person who made medicines from herbs
Chapter 4
- Windward - side of a ship from which the wind is blowing
- Lee - the opposite side of the ship from which the wind is blowing
Chapter 5
- Scurry - move quickly, hurry to another place
- Garret - attic, often used for storage before closets were added to bedrooms
- Chandlery - sells specialized nautical (or ship) supplies
- Indentured - a legal contract to serve as a servant or as an apprentice for a stated period of time
Chapter 6
- Doleful - sad, melancholy
- Stern - back of ship
- Starboard - right side of ship when a sailor stands facing the front or fore of the ship
- Taffrail - rail across the stern of the ship
- Knots: a measurement of a ships speed; originally recorded in knots per second (when converted to mph a knot is about 1.15 miles per hour)
Chapter 7
- Cordage - rope or lines
- Caulker - a person who caulks a ship by putting putty like material in cracks
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