Chemistry Worksheets
MatchCard Science Chemistry Unit Study provides worksheets and projects for kids in 3rd to 8th grade.
Free downloads introduce your students to atoms and molecules, acids & bases, electron configuration, and the periodic table.
13 Chemistry Worksheets For Kids
Basic Model of an Atom

MatchCard #1: Identify the three particles in an atom and tell where they are in relation to the nucleus..
Read more: Parts of an Atom
Hydrogen and Helium Atoms

MatchCard #2: Construct a simple model of a hydrogen atom and a helium atom and give their chemical symbols..
Hydrogen and Helium
Chemical Symbol and Atomic Number

MatchCard #3: Give the chemical symbol, atomic number and electron configuration for these elements: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen.
Games with Chemical Symbol and Atomic Number
Electron Configuration

MatchCard #4: Give the chemical symbol, atomic number and electron configuration for these elements: sodium, chlorine, and aluminum.
Electron Configuration

MatchCard #5: Identify molecules.
Molecules or Atoms?
Water Molecules

MatchCard #6: Draw a water molecule and give its chemical symbol.
Water Molecules: The Original Mouse Ears
Molecules, Compounds, and Mixtures

MatchCard #7: Compare elements, compounds, and mixtures..
Compound or Mixture?
Physical or Chemical Changes

MatchCard #8: Differentiate between physical and chemical changes.
Is it a chemical or physical change?
States of Matter

MatchCard #9: Identify the properties of solids, liquids, and gases.
Science Fair Experiment: Does the boiling and melting point of water change if other chemicals are added to the water to make a mixture?
What's the Matter: Solid, Liquid, or Gas?
Density Formula

MatchCard #10: Define density.
How to Measure Density.
Conservation of Mass

MatchCard #11: Explain the conservation of mass.
Where did it go? The conservation of mass.
Acids and Bases

MatchCard #12: Differentiate between acids and bases.
Acid or Base?.
Periodic Table

MatchCard #13: Find the folllowing on a Table of the Elements: chemical symbol, atomic numbers, metals, and non-metals.
Using the Periodic Chart
MatchCard Science