Sea Venture TimeLine

A list of key dates and events in the Sea Venture timeline - the wrecked ship that settled Bermuda and helped save Jamestown.

Sea Venture 1609

Discovery of Bermuda

1503 - Juan de Bermudez described the Bermuda Islands which were known as "Devil Islands" due to dangerous rocky coast and constant shrieks. (It turned out the shrieks were from birds.)

Jamestown Original Settlers

Timeline of Jamestown and Supply Ships

1606 - 1607

December 1606 - Original fleet left England: April 1607 - They arrived in Jamestown

Early Supply Ships

First Supply of Jamestown

Oct 18, 1607 - Left England Jan 12, 1608 - Arrived in Jamestown

Second Supply of Jamestown

Aug 1608 - Left England Oct 1, 1608 - Arrived in Jamestown

Detailed Timeline of Jamestown and Supply Ships
See below for more detailed graphic.

Dates of the Sea Venture & Third Supply

Fleet of Nine Ships

Nine ships set out with 500 - 600 passengers plus crew and provisions for one year (EncVirginia)
7 ships under sail - 2 smaller pinnaces towed (They were slower and towed to keep from getting separated.)

Fate of the Ships of the 3rd Supply

The total passengers of all nine ships was approximately 500 passengers and 160 mariners (Woodward pg 12). Since the Sea Venture's 153 people included 118 passengers and 35 mariners (Woodward, pg 23) that would leave the other 8 ships carrying approximately 382 passengers and 135 mariners. The two smallest ships did not make it to Jamestown so that would reduce the number of passengers that arrived in August 1609 to a little over 300. Since the Sea Venture was the flag ship, it carried a high percentage of the supplies being shipped, as well as the a larger percentage of the upper class leaders.

See Stevens: Packrat (Info below) on captains of the ships.

Life on Bermuda for the Sea Venture Survirors

1609 - 1610

4th Supply and Sea Venture At Jamestown


Somers and Argall's Quest to Obtain Food From Bermuda

Summer 1610 to Spring 1611

Jamestown Colony in 1611

Settlement of Bermuda



We are not using live-links at this time as changing and outdated URL's can alter web results.

Archaeological Team Returns To Smith’s Island (2013, March 23) BerNews: (online news article)

Doherty, Kieran. (2007) Sea Venture - Shipwreck, Survival, and the Salvation of the First English Colony in the New World. St. Martin's Press. 2007 (book)

Encyclopedia Virginia (online article)

Glover, Lorri and Smith, Daniel Blake. (2008) The Shipwreck that Saved Jamestown: The Sea Venture Castaways and the Fate of America. Henry Holt and Company (book)

Karwoski, Gail Langer. (2004) Miracle: The True Story of the Wreck of the Sea Venture. Darby Creek Publishers. (children's book)

Mack, Jonathan. (2020). A Stranger Amng Saints: Stephen Hopkins - the Man Who Survived Jamestown and Saved Plymouth. Chicago Review Press (book) Nicols, A. Bryant Jr. (2007) Captain Christopher Newport: Admiral of Virginia. Sea Venture Publishers (illustrated book)

Stevens, Sherry Anne. Packrat Pilgrim Ships (web page: Valuable research listing the known pilgrim ships. The names of the captains of the ships on this page is from this the Packrat Ship list - though also confirmed in multiple other documents. The name of the captains is included as many had historical importance at Jamestown or elsewhere.)

Strachey, William. (1611) "True Reportory of the Wreck and Redemption of Sir Thomas Gates, Knight." Reprinted by Wright, Louis B. A Voyage to Virginia in 1609 The University Press of Virginia. 1964. (reprint of original book)

Woodward, Hobson. (2009) A Brave Vessel: The True Tale of the Castaways who Rescued Jamestown and Inspired Shakespeare's The Tempest. Viking. (book)

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