John White Watercolor Paintings
John White's watercolor paintings of Native Americans have preserved the communities around Roanoke. Compare watercolors and wood engravings made by the artist of the Lost Colony.

Original 20 x 32 cm
Activities below are from the Early Settlers Unit Study.
John White's Painting of Secotan
High gloss magazines and books were not available to the 16th century publishers; their readers had to do make do with woodcarvings printed onto the page. The two paintings side by side above allow us to contrast his original watercolor with the woodcarving that was circulated.
This is one of John White's most popular watercolors. It shows a variety of activities of the Secotan Tribe, south of Roanoke Island on the mainland.
Activity A: Contrast Watercolor and Carving
Look at the two pictures side by side. What are some of the most obvious differences you see right away. (Color, ease of sight, amount of detail.)
Top to bottom look at the pictures and see how many differences can be seen.
Activity B: Details Please!
In this activity students get 60 seconds to study the picture. (You can make it longer depending on the attention-span.)
Let them know they will be asked questions about details in the picture.
Afterwards they are asked:
- How many houses are in the engraving
- Where is the village? In the woods, on a mountain, or in a desert
- How many fires are in the village
- Are there more crops in the painting or the engraving?
This is a fun, ungraded activity. Depending on the ability and level of challenge, you may let them look for the answer if they can't answer from memory.
This activity sets the stage for the next.
Activity C: Search and Find
Students match the letters in the picture to these activities:
- Ceremonial dance
- Central village road
- Late corn (just starting to grow)
- Middle Corn (half grown)
- Early corn (ready to be harvested)
- Bird watcher’s raised hut
- Community fire for cooking outside of wood and grass huts
- Meals served on mats on the ground
- Sleeping benches along the inside walls of longhouses
Painting of Algonquian Male

Original 15 x 26 cm
John White's watercolor paintings of natives gave more detail and facts preserving their culture like no other artist has.
This picture of an Algonquian male is believed to be Manteo, who went with White and others to England and was made Lord of Roanoke when he returned.
Activity: Details Please!
Again, look at the painting for 60 seconds and answer these questions.
- What is painted on him? (Different tatoos which identify their village)
- What other decorations does he have. (Feathers, shells, beads.)
- What clothes does he wear? (A leather apron around his waist.)
- How big is his bow? (As tall as he is: a long bow.)
- What else does he carry? (A rolled up sleeping mat.)
Algonquian Fishermen

Original is 35 x 25 cm
All of the natives are fishing, but there are four different jobs the fishermen are doing. What are they?
- Standing and pushing the canoe through shallow water
- Maintaining a fire in the canoe (fish swim to the boat)
- Spearing fish
- Collecting the fish from the weirs (no person doing it but the weirs are present
Village of Pomeioc

Original is 25 x 37 cm
Compare and Contrast
How is this village different from Secotan?
How is it the same?
Get the Early Settlers Unit Study
Explore scenes of native life, evaluate reasons for settling the new world, search for clues to the fate of the lost colonists, join the John Smith scavenger hunt on the 1612 Map of Virginia, sail with Strachey on the ill-fated Sea Venture, look for the location of old forts, and vote in the first legislative assembly.

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Algonquian Culture
Timeline of Events
The Lost Colony
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Jamestown Stories
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Sea Venture
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