Energy For Kids

16 lessons on energy for kids include worksheets and projects from the MatchCard Science Light and Energy Unit Study

Transparent, Translucent, Opaque

Transparent, Translucnet, Opaque Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #1: Identify transparent, translucent, and opaque objects.

Energy Projects for Kids: Go on a detective hunt for three types of objects. Analyze how much light passes through different opaque objects.

Read More:Transparent vs Translucent vs Opaque

Bending, Bouncing, Colorful Light

Refraction and Reflection Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #2: Describe the refraction, reflection and absorption of light.

Energy Projects for Kids: Observe objects that appear to bend in water. Reflect light at angles with mirrors. Look at concave and convex reflections. Observe colored objects in a dark room.

Read More: Refraction and Reflection and Absorption of Light

Magnetic Poles

Magnet Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #3: Predict what poles of a magnet will be attacted or repelled by the pole of another magnet.

Energy Projects for Kids: Determine which pole is north on a magnet. Experiment with different types of magnets. Magnetize a pin. Make a magnetic compass and watch it go beserk.

Read More: Magnets

Sound Waves

Sound Waves Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #4: Compare the frequency and amplitude of sound waves.

Energy Projects for Kids: Change the pitch of sounds. Use a tuning fork to hear sound waves. Watch sugar granules mimic sounds waves.

Read More: Frequency and Amplitude of Sound Waves

Celsius to Fahrenheit

Celsius to Fahrenheit Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #5: Learn the boiling and freezing point of water in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. Calculate the temperature in one from the other.

Energy Projects: Measure boiling point and freezing point.

Read More: Fahrenheit to Celsius

Evaporation, Condensation, Freezing, Melting

Evaporation Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #6: Explain how molecules change when a substance freezes, melts, evaporates, and condenses..

Energy Projects: Measure the temperature of water and is changes from one state to another in a cycle.

Read More: Condensation, Evaporation, Freezing, and Melting: Changes States of Matter

Convection, Conduction, and Radiation

Convection, Conduction, Radiation Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #7: Describe three types of heat transfer: convection, conduction, and radiation..

Energy Projects: Use the stove or campfire to investigate three types of heat transfer.

Read More: Heat transfer: radiation, convection, and conduction.

Electric Circuits

Electrical Circuit Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #8: Diagram an electrical circuit.

Energy Projects: Build a complete electric circuit.

Read More: Complete Electric Circuit

Electrical Conductors and Insulators

Conductors and Insulators Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #9: List electrical conductors and insulators.

Energy Projects: Build and electrical circuit and test which materials will conduct and which will insulate the movement of electrons.

Read More: Conductors and Insulators

Static Vs Current Electricity

Static Electricity Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #10: Compare static and current electricity.

Energy Projects: Create a static charge.

Read More: Investigate static electricity.

Amps, Volts, and Watts

Amps, Volts, and Watts Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #11: Define watts, amperage, and voltage.

Energy Projects for Kids: Use a coffee stirrer and a straw to compare amps. Look at different types of outlets and batteries to compare volts.

Read More: Let's Get Working: Amps, Volts, and Watts

Nuclear Energy: Fusion and Fission

Fusion and Fission Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #12: Contrast fusion and fission.

Energy Projects for Kids: Build a model of a uranium atom.

Read More:Fission and Fusion: Nuclear Reactions

Light Spectrum

Light Spectrum Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #13: Arrange the colors of the light spectrum according to frequency.

Energy Projects for Kids: Use a prism. Make a rainbow. Arrange the colors.

Read More:Colors of the Light Spectrum

Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy

Potential and Kinetic Energy Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #14: Compare potential and actual kinetic energy.

Energy Projects for Kids: Discover the kinetic and potential energy in rubber bands and toy cars.

Read More:Potential vs Kinetic Energy

Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic Waves Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #15: Arrange the types of electromagnetic radiation according to frequency.

Energy Projects for Kids: Learn about gamma rays, x-rays, microwaves, radio waves and more.

Read More:Spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves

Review Types of Energy

Potential and Kinetic Energy Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #16: List 7 major types of energy.

Energy Projects for Kids: Review types of energy. Play energy charades, make a crossword puzzle, and hopscotch - all while reviewing the types of energy.

Read More:Types of Energy

Law of Conservation of Energy

Potential and Kinetic Energy Worksheet click to print arrow

MatchCard #17: List examples of the conservation of energy.

Energy Projects for Kids: Analyze 9 examples of energy transformation. State the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. Play Energy Dot to Dot. Analyze the possibility of inventing a perpetual motion machine.

Read More:Conservation of Energy

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