Safety: Let's Take It Home

Here's a quick quiz: can your students identify all the risks on the home safety worksheet?

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home safety worksheet

Nutrition, Health, and Safety Unit Study

MatchCard Science Home Safety Worksheet

silhouettes of colored houses

Objective: Identify health risks that may be present in the home.

MatchCard: Download below.

MatchCard Information Pieces describe risk factors, causes, and preventive measures for the following safety hazards: poisoning, falls, drowning, fire, carbon monoxide, radon, firearms, teen driving.

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This is MatchCard #7 of the Nutrition, Health, and Safety Unit Study. Find more information on MatchCard Science below.

Safety In the Home

silhouettes of colored houses

Use the safety MatchCard as a before and after quiz. This can be taught in a five day lesson plan with activities below.

Keep Your Ears Open

Note what accidents and injuries are reported in the news during the time of your study. Which are most frequently reported? Do you think the frequency of news reports reflects which types of accidents are most common? At the end of the week, share one story about an accident and how it might have been prevented. It can be a story you heard on the news or from an eye witness.

Falls: Not a Laughing Matter

Day One

colored balloons

To Prepare: Write the following on slips of paper: You may want to put them in blown up balloons. Students pop one balloon (or one at a time) and have to play that role.

Go through your house (inside and out) and find any hazards that might create falls if you had a visitor with one of these conditions. It might be fun to do this first thing in the morning or before people have picked up


Day Two

Identify areas where individuals might drown.

What lifeguard courses are available in your area? What CPR courses are available? Consider taking a course if you have a swimming pool or swim often in a public area.


Day Two

Discuss both sides of the arguments for and against personal firearms.

What firearm safety courses are available in your community? Consider taking a course if there are firearms in your home or you or your family hunt.

Fire Safety

Day Three

Discuss and practice these safety rules: Learn about the three classes of fires with MatchCard #8.

Radon and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Day Three

Compare the costs of radon detectors and carbon monoxide detectors and fire detectors at a local hardware store or an on-line shop. What kind of detector does your home need?

Discuss the need for ventilation when an automobile is running.


Day Four

Go on a hunt for poisons in your home. Are they all stored safely? Identify items in the kitchen and garage that could be potentially hazardous.

If you have pets, consider what poisons might affect them.

Discuss poison control number. Discuss they sometimes want to induce vomiting, but sometimes do not if the act of vomitting causes acid to do more damage.

New Drivers

Day Five

Driving is not a danger factor as much for the home as it is outside the house. Obviously, more education will be acquired when the student starts to drive. This information will get younger kids thinking about safety measures long before they get behind the wheel the first time.

It takes time for a driver to develop reflect action. If the car in front stops suddenly, an experienced driver will often slam on the breaks due to reflexes before his or her brain completely grasps the situation in front. This doesn’t happen as quickly with new drivers.

What steps can you take to decrease outside stimulation (passengers, loud music) while gaining experience as a driver?

What driver safety courses are available in your community? Does your insurance have a discount for passing a driver safety course?

Think: Teen drivers whose parents bought their car have more accidents than those who bought it themselves. Why?

MatchCard Science

How To Use MatchCards


MatchCards make science concepts and corresponding vocabulary interactive. As students move the information pieces on the MatchCards they review the material they have already learned.

Download the FREE MatchCard Science Instructor's Guide and see how MatchCards can make building their science knowledge base fun.

Nutrition, Health, and Safety Unit Study

Nutrition, Health, and Safety Unit Study Cover

Promote healthy choices for optimal living with 11 objectives.

See more about the Nutrition, Health, and Safety Unit Study.

12 Science Unit Studies

MatchCard Science Cover

Chemistry is only one of twelve complete unit studies for kids in 3rd to 8th grade.

Comprehensive objectives, hands-on projects, suggested science fair experiments, and the fun game-like MatchCards keep them interested in learning science. See all twelve MatchCard Science Unit Studies.

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