Human Eye Diagram

Eye Worksheet For Kids in 3rd to 8th Grade

The human eye diagram on the MatchCard teaches the major parts of the eye and their function.

Free Download Below

human eye worksheet

Human Anatomy Unit Study

MatchCard Science Human Eye Diagram and Worksheet

Objective: Describe the functions of the major parts of the eye.

MatchCard: Download below.

MatchCard Information Pieces identify the location and function of the parts of the eye anatomy on the human eye diagram. Ideas for projects are listed on the instructor's page and below.

Here's the Human Eye Diagram to Download

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This is MatchCard #10 of the Human Anatomy Unit Study. Learn more about MatchCards below.

The 1st page is the students' worksheet. The student matches the name and descriptions with the diagram of the human eye.

The 2nd page is the Instructor's Guide with the correct answers.

The 3rd page has the Information Pieces. Student's cut them apart and place them in the correct place on their copy of the Matchcard.

Anatomy of the Human Eye

blue eye diagram Here are the names and functions of the major parts listed on the human eye worksheet:

Activities, Projects, Experiments

Before showing the kids the human eye diagram on the Matchcard, do some of the hands on activities here.

Pupils dilate and constrict

Use a penlight to show how the eyes constrict with light.

If you do not have a penlight, you can make one out of a simple flashlight. Punch a small hole with a paper hole punch in black construction paper. Cut out the paper to cover the end of the flashlight. Only a small beam of light will go through the hole.

In a darkened room, shine the small beam of light onto a person's eye. Watch as the pupil constricts.

As you take the beam of light away, you can see the pupil dilate.

Eye lids

Make a list of what your eye lids are for.

Have students time themselves to see how long they can go without blinking. What do their eyes feel like?

Peripheral Vision

Peripheral vision is what you see on the side of your head.

Focus your eyes on something straight ahead of you.

Have a partner walk from one side of the room to the next, carrying a bright colored object.

State when you first see the object, and when you last see it. The entire time your eyes should be focused straight ahead.

Have someone else mark the areas where you first and last saw the object. That is the range of your peripheral vision.

Right Eyed - Left Eyed

Just as some people are right-handed or left-handed, they also have one eye that is more dominant than the other. (And it may not be the same side as their hand domination.)

Let's check your eye domination. You will need a Cheerio or other object with a very small hole. You could even puncture a piece of paper with a pencil tip, but make the hole fairly smooth, please.

Hold your Cheerio or other hole at arm's length and look through it like a telescope. Look at a spot on the wall. While you are looking at it, close your right eye.

Do you still see the spot? You are right-eyed.

Oops, did the spot move? You are left-eyed.

Now close your left eye and see what happens.

Science Experiment - Does Color Affect Visibility

You can download pocket size Snelling charts to do this experiment.

Test 10 people's visibility with the regular chart with black print on white paper.

Develop your own chart with the same size print and same words, but different color print. Try a variety of colors.

Which colors are more readable? Does changing the background color affect visibility? How much?

Can you write a hypothesis and develop a science experiment?

MatchCard Science

How To Use MatchCards


MatchCards make science concepts and corresponding vocabulary interactive. As students move the information pieces on the MatchCards they review the material they have already learned.

Download the FREE MatchCard Science Instructor's Guide and see how MatchCards can make building their science knowledge base fun.

Human Anatomy Unit Study

Human Anatomy Unit Study Cover

From cells to systems, kids will learn learn fun things about how their body works. 12 different human anatomy systems are covered.

Download the entire Human Anatomy Unit Study

12 Science Unit Studies

MatchCard Science Cover

Chemistry is only one of twelve complete unit studies for kids in 3rd to 8th grade.

Comprehensive objectives, hands-on projects, suggested science fair experiments, and the fun game-like MatchCards keep them interested in learning science. See all twelve MatchCard Science Unit Studies.

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